illustration showing group of people talking at resident event

Unique Event Venues: A Guide for Planners & Event Organizers

Switching things up occasionally is important, even for event organizers and corporate planners. Whether you work in public, private, or corporate events, changing the scenery can leave event attendees feeling refreshed and inspired. So, if you’re looking for unique event venues that offer something new and exciting, you’ve come to the right place. This guide…

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Top cities for event planning careers

20 Types of Corporate Events You Should Know About

What comes to mind when you hear the phrase “corporate event?” While images of boardrooms and expensive suits likely appear, you might be surprised to learn that there are many different types of corporate events, each with a unique purpose and atmosphere. Businesses are diverse, with varying missions, styles, and cultures, but meetings and events…

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Sales and catering coordinator tips

10 Client Appreciation Event Ideas Customers Love

Whether you’re a part of a Fortune 500 company or are running a boutique hair salon out of your home, your business wouldn’t exist without clients. Showering clients with appreciation can help businesses, large and small, build a base of loyal customers, especially now, as we head into the holiday season. While some leaders choose…

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cell phones, coffee mugs and papers on a desk

The Ultimate Guide to Theme Park Layout Design

Theme park designers are constantly looking for ways to improve the stories they tell through their attractions and rides. Their placement, structure, and surrounding activities all play a role in guest experience which is why the process of creating a great layout can be so complex. In this guide, we take a closer look at…

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Types of events

Your Venue Security Plan: Why It Matters Now More Than Ever

Long gone are the days when event venue security used to be tacked as an addendum in event planning, with event planners the only corporate staff sweating about it. But even then, event organizers were concerned more about protecting the venue entrance, the assets, and–of course–the occasional unruly guest. Venue threats can and do come…

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post-event engagement social

The Top 7 Venue Hashtags to Follow Hospitality Trends

Do you work at a venue and want to get event planners in the door? Or has your venue just opened and want to book events in your space? Whether you are on Twitter, Instagram, or another platform, following industry-specific hashtags are a great way to tap new and relevant trends in venue marketing. The…

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Hotel asset management

4 Unique Meeting Venues Where You Need to Host Your Next Meeting

Unique meeting venues offer more than just four walls for your meeting to take place. It provides a one-of-a-kind backdrop to promote productivity and engagement at your meeting. Avoid the usual conference room by hosting your meeting in one of these unique meeting venues. Unique meeting venues offer a one-of-a-kind backdrop to promote a productive…

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Hotel asset management

America’s 5 Largest Convention Centers for Events

Big events require big spaces. But when it comes to planning a large-scale event, you need more than just a lot of space. You also need a venue that has knows how to handle big crowds, has features that make your job easier, and is in a destination that improves attendees’ experiences. Here are America’s…

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3D illustration of speaker engaging with audience during event presentation on stage

Crowd Control Tips: 3 Best Practices for Venues

Venue managers and staff all have a duty to their attendees to provide a level of crowd management and safe, fun experiences at events. This is first and foremost vital for guest and staff safety, as well as minimizing complaints that may lead to a poor event review. As part of the planning process, be…

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