sketch of businessperson walking with briefcase

Check-In Web Sunset Notice to Clients

As of January 26, 2021, Social Tables will no longer support Check-In Web from our Event Services platform.  What will happen after January 26, 2021?  Users will no longer have access to Check-In Web.  Why are we no longer supporting Check-In Web? Check-In Web has had low usability throughout the years and has been a…

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Rendering of meeting room in office

Safe Office Layout During COVID-19: 9 Must-Know Tips

The world is filled with uncertainty due to the COVID-19 pandemic. What activities are still safe? How long until things return to normal? What will things look like when work-from-home orders are lifted and everyone starts going back into the office? How can employers create a safe office layout for their employees? While many questions…

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Save Hours When You Swap Layouts Between Floor Plans

It happens. You’ve put several hours into a diagram, and suddenly there’s a change in the schedule. The floor plan you originally had in mind is no longer available. Time to start over, right? Not with Social Tables. Now, our event diagramming tool lets you swap your existing layout into a different floor plan effortlessly.…

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Save Time with Theater Row Template Default Updates

Recently, we updated our software to allow your team’s admins to specify standards and set measurements for trade show booths for the rest of your team to use. Well, we heard from you that this feature would also be useful for theater row template defaults. So we made it happen! How to Save Time With Event…

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Save Time with New Trade Show Booth & Chair Spacing Tools

Occasionally, we’re able to make simple changes to our software that nevertheless greatly improve our users’ experiences. We’re happy to say we’ve made two such changes with our latest round of updates to our space planning software”specifically to our trade show booth template defaults and chair spacing tools. We’re certain they’ll help you get work…

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