Sales & Catering CRM users can now add a lead source to their bookings.

What’s New: Sales & Catering CRM Updates That Simplify Client Management

At Cvent, the team has been hard at work adding enhancements to the Sales & Catering CRM. In particular, these recent updates are designed to streamline the customer management process while making it more flexible and dynamic.

Let’s take a

Filter Your Bookings

Easily find the
booking(s) you’re looking for with new filtering tools”so you can make changes
or batch print documents fast, and get on with your day.

Sales & Catering CRM users can now quickly find the bookings they're looking for.

Download Multiple Documents From the Same
Booking At Once

The next time you decide to download documents from a booking, take the opportunity to select one or more options (Banquet Checks, BEOs, Booking Summary, or Contract) at once so you can get all the information you need in just a few clicks.

Sales & Catering CRM users can now download multiple documents from the same booking at once.
It's simple for Sales & Catering CRM users to select which documents they want to download from their booking.

Or Download Documents from Multiple
Bookings at Once

It gets better. Save even more time (a lot of it) by choosing to download your important documents from multiple bookings at once.

Sales & Catering CRM users can also download multiple documents from more than one booking at a time.

Comments Go Even Further with BEOs

Ever wish the
comments you enter while detailing functions would transfer to the BEO itself
so you didn’t have to reference multiple documents in order to ensure
consistent event setup? Wish no more! The feature is now available, take a look
below to see it in action.

The Sales & Catering CRM now transfers comments made while detailing event functions to the bookings themselves.
Comments made while detailing event functions after they were transferred to a booking in the Sales & Catering CRM.

Save Time with Task Automation

Sales and Events
Managers know it better than anyone: some parts of the job are
repetitive”especially when it comes to creating and managing bookings.

We decided to do
something about that. With the task automation tools, you can tell the system
what it should do once you switch a booking to a new status. Want the sales
manager to follow up 7 days after the booking goes Definite? Want to confirm a
Lost booking with the client 24 hours afterward? You can do that too. Just navigate
to Settings, click Task Automation, and create some task workflows that make
sense for your team.

Sales & Catering CRM users can now even more time with powerful task automation tools.

Make Formatting
More User-Friendly in Document Editor

To make BEOs a little easier to view and understand, you can now insert a page break while you’re editing them.

Sales & Catering CRM users can now insert page breaks in the document editor.

Want to see how your document will look when you print it? Take a look in print preview mode.

Sales & Catering CRM users can now preview their documents before they download and print them.

Deleted or Switch Out Your BEOs

You now also have
the ability to swap out or delete a BEO from an event function. Just click the dropdown
menu next to the BEO # on the booking view, and choose whether to Create New,
Remove, or Assign a BEO.

And if the event
function is not already assigned to a BEO”such as when an event function was
just created”you’ll have the option to Assign a BEO.

Sales & Catering CRM users can now easily create new BEOs, or assign them to event functions.

We Added a Link to Product Update Blog and Help Center
in the Product

It’s now much
easier to keep an eye on new features and upgrades to the Sales & Catering
CRM. After our latest update, the Help Icon delivers the ability to navigate to
both the Product Update blog and Help Center.

Sales & Catering CRM users can now easily navigate to the Help Center or the Product Updates page from the dashboard.

Track Booking Revenue by Market Segment Report

In our ongoing effort to help our users understand more about their group business pipeline, we've added the ability for you to generate custom reports that track booking revenue by market segment.

Sales & Catering CRM users can now create custom reports that track booking revenue by market segment.

New Room Block Updates: Pickup Rate and

You now have the
ability to track pickup rate and quantity for a room block before Booking

When a booking
moves to Definite, a new row for Picked Up will be visible in the Guest Rooms
section of the booking. This is the number of rooms that have been booked for a
specific night.

While in the Definite status, the pickup can be manually updated in the Edit Guest Room Block view. Here you can edit the pickup quantity and rate.

When the booking
moves to Actualized, the pickup rate and quantity will not longer be editable,
and will move to read-only status.

Lead Source on Bookings

Before now, you were only able to track lead source among leads themselves. But with this most recent release, you can add a lead source to a booking. This allows your team to track where the most valuable business is coming from.

Sales & Catering CRM users can now add a lead source to their bookings.

You can also see
the lead source when viewing the Booking. They can also edit it from the Edit
Booking screen.

Sales & Catering CRM users can now view a lead source from a booking page.

Create Custom Items

Dishes come and go. Hotels and venues often sell custom or seasonal meals which are not a default part of their menu or item inventory. Now, when detailing functions, you have the ability to create a custom item and choose if this item should be saved into their standard inventory. 

Sales & Catering CRM users can now choose whether to an item should be added to a standard inventory.
A Sales & Catering CRM user adding a new item.

Taxable Service Charge Tools

With this
release, you are now able to add automatically-calculated tax to a service
charge or fee. When creating a new fee under Taxes & Fees in Settings, you
can specify if the fee is taxable.

Sales & Catering CRM users can now indicate if an item is taxable.

When applying
taxes and fees to Items in Settings, you will see Taxes and Fees split out.
They can apply multiple of each to the item.

Edit Banquet Check Titles

If you've ever worked at more than one venue, you know all about this. Different teams may have different terminology or regional spelling for the banquet check when the booking is set to Definite or Actual. In settings, the title of the two versions of the checks can be edited and will display on the document headers.

Sales & Catering CRM users can now edit banquet check titles.
A document header in the Sales & Catering CRM.

Control Sequence of Menus & Items
When Creating BEOs

When you add items and menus to a function, you often need to reorder them to ensure they display on the BEO in the preferred way. For example, you may want your room setup items arranged in a specific orientation, such as from the front of the room to the back of the room. With the Sales & Catering CRM, you will now be able to drag and drop in order to control sequence. 

Sales & Catering CRM users can now drag and drop in order to control menu and item sequence when creating BEOs.

Day of Week Added to a Booking's Function Grid

To make event functions easier to manage, the day of the week has been added to the function grid on the booking.

Sales & Catering CRM users can now add a day of the week to the function grid of a booking.

Hop into your Sales & Catering CRM account now and try out these free upgrades for yourself”because the life of a hotelier at a select- or limited-service property is crazy enough without software that doesn’t make your daily routine easier.

And if you don’t already have an account, head to our website to learn how your hotel can start getting more out of your group business segment today.