Product Update: Create Events Right From The Presentation Layer
Event planners think ahead. When they’re searching for potential event spaces on behalf of their clients”whether on your website or the Social Tables sourcing platform”you can be certain they’re also sketching the best layout options and designing the whole experience. Often, your best bet as a property is to give them as many planning tools – or an RFI form – upfront as you’re able to.
We’re always exploring new ways to give you more power to do that, and with our latest update, we’ve taken a big step in that direction.
Now, when a planner encounters your presentation layer anywhere online”either on our sourcing platform, on a dedicated vanity site, or embedded directly on your website”they’ll have the option of creating their event’s diagram right then and there.
And it couldn’t be easier to do. Once a planner identifies the perfect room in your property, they can click the new ˜Create Event’ button to be automatically sent to a diagram depicting the room’s floorplans. You’ll see the new feature below.
Why properties love this
If planners have fewer barriers to imagining their events in your space, you’ll have fewer barriers to closing the best deals faster.
Why planners love this
With this new feature, when you find the perfect space, you can begin designing your event. You’ll save a ton of time now that you don’t have to wait around for a property to respond to your RFP. And with that extra bandwidth, you could always choose to¦ send more RFPs and create more diagrams!
If you’re already using our Event Sales Solution presentation layer, reach out to your Customer Success Manager today via email or by phone at +1(877)973-2863 to turn this new feature on. And if you’re not using Event Sales Solution, you should sign up for a demo today, because you need to give your planners every reason to choose your event space.