Event planning tools
Find venues, manage events and win clients with free event planning tools.
Free collaborative event planning software for happier clients, and no stress.
Streamline communication
Use real-time collaboration and instant updates to keep your entire team, clients, and vendors in sync.
Find venues fast
Source all in one place! Discover the best venues for your next event, and explore accurate floor plans, photos, and more.
Create custom diagrams
Provide a personalized experience and save time with accurate floor plans, templates, custom furniture, and visual seating.
Keep everything in one place
Unlimited storage means you can upload and manage files, from client contracts to photographs and PDFs.
Make setup a breeze
Get everything set up properly and safely with easy downloads and quick printouts for vendors.
Create a better experience
Ensure every VIP gets the right treatment. Easily manage seating, meals, and more.
Delight attendees
Greet guests and check them in fast with easy-to-use tools that keep your team in sync no matter where they're stationed.
Measure success
Use analytics to determine peak event attendance and how to staff future events.
Drive loyalty
Build stronger relationships by giving clients access to make changes to diagrams or to watch as you make edits live.